Explorers Curriculum News

Explorers Preschool Curriculum

Explorers Curriculum is designed for early childhood educators and preschool-aged children. It can be used in any setting, including private preschool programs, public school programs, and family child care homes.

Child Care Aware of Northcentral Arkansas is happy to house the EXPLORERS curriculum in kits containing the printed curriculum and recommended books ready for your convenience in our Lending Library and in various public libraries within our service area.

To keep up with the latest Explorers Curriculum news, training opportunities, and more, join the A-State Explorers Curriculum email list. 

Explorers now has a self-paced introduction to the free preschool resource, Explorers Preschool Curriculum in which you can receive PDR credit.

View Explorers Curriculum Packets Here

Join the Explorers Facebook Groups:

  • Explorers Preschool Curriculum Facebook Group Here

  • Explorers T2 (Toddlers) Curriculum Facebook Group Here

For additional information contact: Marcy White - mwhite@astate.edu


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