Kiwanis Bookcase Project Awards Bookcases to Children in Faulkner County

This is exciting news! The Kiwanis Club of Conway Arkansas has gifted their 1000th bookcase to the children within the Capca Head start program! What a Milestone!

This program is very worthy of our community support! Jim Davidson, the project founder, continues to honor and support this project as the Kiwanis club takes the lead under the direction of the project chair, Richard Plotkin.

Two years ago I was asked to Keynote the book Case Presentation at the Faulkner County Library! It was so heartwarming to see the children excited about receiving  their new books and their wonderful bookcase with their very own name on it! 

We returned this year to support the event by participating in the children's portion of the program.

We at Child Care Aware salute The Kiwanis Club's valiant effort to promote and improve Literacy starting within the Early childhood realm.


CCANA Chosen as Local Lead Organization


Child Care Aware Recipient of Toad Suck Daze Donation